Globally Engaged Talent for the Federal Workforce
The Robertson Foundation for Government (RFG) aims to cultivate the next generation of public service leaders by catalyzing globally engaged talent for the federal workforce. Since 2010, RFG has worked with five academic partners to provide graduate academic fellowships, government internships, professional development training, and career networking opportunities to an increasingly diverse group of RFG Fellows.
As a result of the Foundation’s efforts, RFG Alumni now number close to 200 individuals all over the world with the vast majority living and working within the Washington, DC area. More than 75% of RFG Alumni are currently working in the Federal Government with the top five agencies for employment by RFG Alumni, being:

U.S. Foreign Service
In addition to working throughout the Federal Government, RFG Alumni serve in the U.S. Foreign Service divisions of the Department of State, USAID, and the U.S. Commercial Service.
Career Commitment
RFG Alumni have also pursued their commitment to careers in the public sector through other notable fellowship programs such as the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) Program, the Boren Fellowship, and the NNSA Graduate Fellowship Program.
Globally Engaged Leaders
As globally engaged leaders, RFG Alumni have worked, interned, and studied in the below countries outside of the U.S.
Along with their travels abroad, RFG Alumni as part of their Fellowship program are required to learn at least one foreign language. To date, RFG Alumni speak more than 40 different languages.
Peace Corps
The Foundation’s Alumni also include 25 former Peace Corps volunteers, who have served in more than 15 different countries.