Dear Fellows & Friends:
Let me begin by expressing a hearty congratulations to the Robertson Fellows Class of 2022 graduates! Your effort and determination have paid off, and you should be very proud. I am proud to hear that many of you have already secured post-graduation employment, including our three PMF Finalists – Demetria Charlifue, Ryan Damron, and Katherine Maxwell – who have secured PMF appointments at USAID and the Voice of America. The Foundation is honored to count you among our distinguished group of Robertson Alumni.
This is also an exciting time for our First Year Fellows who are interning with federal agencies in positions around the world – from USINDOPACOM in Hawaii to the U.S. Embassy in Tunisia, Robertson Fellows are making an impact! I hope that these internship experiences provide clarity on the next steps in your burgeoning careers and help prepare you to serve as leaders in the public sector.
On behalf of the RFG Board and family, we are honored to have so many Fellows and Alumni representing the Robertson name and mission throughout the Federal Government. Thank you for your continued efforts in public service. Our family’s mission could not be realized without your hard work and dedication. I wish each of you and your families a safe and enjoyable summer!
Geoff Robertson